Heather Kolodziejski

Top 0.1% Etsy Seller and over 6 Figures in Sales

Heather has 3+ years of experience with Marketing/Dropshipping.

Using the Low Hanging System sheā€™s been able to sell Print on Demand and generate over 6 figures in sales on Etsy in her first year.

She specializes in:

  • Product Research,Ā 
  • SEO, andĀ 
  • Keyword Optimization for Etsy.

Heather is an expert in:Ā 

  • Etsy SEO Titles/ Tags,
  • Etsy Customization,
  • Design (9 years as a graphic designer),
  • Mindset/Psychology of Selling

Heather Loves helping and encouraging people, and she would love to help you overcome any roadblocks that may be holding you back so you can reach your goals!

Book a coaching call
3 x 30-Minute Coaching Sessions
6 x 30-Minute Coaching Sessions